The Cursed Delaware Bay

Our proposed route (solid line) vs. our actual track (dotted line) on the Delaware Bay

Well, just in case you didn’t think it could be worse after our Jersey Shore run, let me assure you it was. There is only one thing to say: The Delaware Bay is just awful. Every one I know who’s transited the Bay says the same thing. Former Westsailor friend, Mike Dugan (as in used to own a Westsail – he’s still my friend) said this on our facebook feed: “The Delaware Bay has spanked my butt every time I’ve been anywhere near it. Friggin’ place is cursed.”

I agree completely, as I’ve never had a “good” day on the Delaware Bay. Our course was to be all of 51 miles (outlined on the chart by the solid blue line), figuring roughly ten hours on the water. However, with the wind and waves squarely on the nose, our actual course (dotted gray line) was much different than planned. While our overall route was only 58 miles, it took us over 13 hours to make our anchorage. Departure was at 9:02am and anchor was set at 10:35pm. A very long hard day.

The YouTube videos show our world during the trip. To beat the wave action, we were forced to motor tack (a term we made up) to make head way and “tack” up the bay.

– Steve

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