Finally. After climbing to the top of the mast at least a half a dozen times, we are wired and finished at the masthead. Just have to finish at the spreaders, but that’s only half way up and there’s a place to sit. One more day and the mast is done! I’m amazed at how […]
Category Archives: Westsail

Exercise in Futility
Boat life is an interesting social experiment. It is one that is both a complete waste of time, yet one that is completely fulfilling. During the weeks filling the spaces between my brief time aboard, I usually plan to do and ACCOMPLISH a laundry list of boat items including A, B, C, D, E, F […]
First Meal!!
First meal aboard in 7 years. Not Gourmet by any stretch, but who cares! Let’s eat!!!
Now We’re Cooking with Gas!
First meal aboard coming right up!
Just got to the boat. Surprises me every time! Go Martin! Boat is looking fantastic!
Hull Shine
Bowsprit Updates
In 1973, Westsail installed a 3-piece, laminated fir bowsprit onto hull #101. In 2004 at Lake Mead, the bowsprit was showing signs of delimitation or coming unglued. We knew it was only a matter of time before it would have to be replace, but we saturated it with epoxy resin and it got us through […]
Update 2
Here’s Update Part 2 of the move and preparations for refit: Just received a text from my hauler. He will be down next week to collect the boat and take it to California. Also, the Frenchmen came through and pushed my new mast headwind vane through customs. It was on my doorstep last night. This […]
Update on the transport: looks like the hauler will pick up/deliver around the middle of September. That may leave me with some logistical issues with the launch and getting the boat 2 miles down the channel and into it’s slip, but I always seem to manage, so I’m not to worried. In the meantime, I’m […]
Getting Motivated
Heading out to see ol’ Nereus in Alabama. Kind of nervous, as things were pretty bad last time I was there – three years ago! Was planning to wait until fall to beat the heat, but now, during the hottest part of the season, a window of opportunity has opened, so I’m going. Getting motivated. […]