Trouble in Paradise

What is it with Florida? Why is there always trouble in paradise? Florida is the #2 boating state in the Union — my home state of Michigan (with it’s all-of-four-month season) taking the #1 slot. Why is it that Florida, with year around boating opportunities, can’t even claim the #1 ranking? Is it because “Boater […]

Big weekend?

Long day: too six hours to get here, due to stops and some stupidity on my part (missed a turn). Such a day, I wanted to get cheeseburgers, but the first mate just wanted to go “home.” So here I am, slaving away in the galley. But it’s ok; I have wine. Hope to have […]


This was a long, difficult weekend aboard. We arrived reasonable on Friday and I spend the evening replacing engine parts: new impeller, fuel filters, sacrificial zincs, etc. Changed the oil and added coolant. The engine runs. The oil sender/pressure gauge doesn’t work, which I will replace next weekend. That seems positive. The engine room is […]

Found on the Boat

It’s amazing what you find hidden after six years of “dry storage.” I know the boat has swallowed things over the years that I have completely forgotten about. Here’s something fun that we found on the boat last weekend. It’s Bing’s raincoat from when she was two years old. This was a fun find. Obviously […]

Almost Home!

Almost home! The photo above is from my hauler. He is in Arizona, five miles from the California state line!!! She’ll be in Long Beach tomorrow! I received the call from the hauler this afternoon – during my nap. I wasn’t even aware he had picked it up! This weekend we will head down and […]