Westsail Family Friends

Katura tided to Crescent Shores Marina dock.

During a family trip home, I was able to make a side trip to Crescent Shores Marina in Holland, MI (where we stayed during our Voyage of a Life Time trip) to see my friends Flip & Pam Mulliner of the Westsail 43, Katura. Great to see them again and it is always great to be aboard a sister ship to Nereus. Also good to see they are deeply involved in rewiring Katura, amongst other things.

Ah, boats: they are never done, are they? Honestly, who would want them to be – it’d be boring without the little things that make boating a challenge.

Always good to see old friends! Keep up the good work, Pam & Flip. Get Katura out on Lake Michigan and have lots of ADVENTURES!

Love this – every boat that is getting worked on looks just like this, including Nereus! It all packs away, though, as these boats have cavernous amounts of storage.

Ah, yes, the rats nest of wires known as the “Panel.” Nereus has one, also.


Crescent Shores Marina docks – still as rickety as they were in 2004. Love a marina with “character,” especially one with a discounted price!